Saturday 2 January 2021

Irah berpalatao : Relationship goals

“Babe, kau dah clear ke apa yang kau nak dari seorang lelaki?”


“Apa dia?”

“Kau tau kan, aku appreciate teamwork. A person yang aku boleh jadikan dia as a teammate aku. Sometimes, kita boleh jadi as a striker, sometimes kita boleh jadi as a defender. Aku value imperfections bukan sebab nak jadikan hubungan tu perfect tapi sebagai pelengkap dan improvement towards particular goals yang both of us tengah set up.

So, kalau dia boleh bagi efforts tu, dia boleh respect & support apa yang aku buat, dia tak boleh tengok aku usaha benda ni sorang2, aku akan buat benda sama jugak. 

in fact aku boleh bagi apa yang dia nak.

Nak aku faham dia? - aku bagi

Nak masa? - aku bagi

Nak ruang? - aku bagi

Nak perhatian? - aku bagi

As long as it is beneficial for both of us.

Pentingnya, bila ada masalah, bincang.

Bukan diam. Aku tak suka macam tu.

Tak fair untuk aku.

Sebab tu aku banyak kali terluka sebab

aku selalu fikir  kat mana salah aku.

Kau kenal aku kan.

Pernah ke aku memekak kalau orang tegur salah aku?

Tak, kan? Aku hadam je.

Kalau merajuk pun, tak lama. 

“Kau rasa kau dah jumpa ke teammate kau?”

“It’s complicated to tell. Sebab aku pernah jumpa orang yang boleh jadi possible teammate tapi goals dia pergi arah lain. Kalau dia rasa dia boleh capai goals tu sendiri, takkan aku nak paksa dia untuk terima aku to be part of the team, kan? 

Ada jugak aku jumpa the guy yang goals dia sama, tapi jenis biarkan aku usaha sorang2 pulak.”

“Mind to ask, goals kau apa?”

“Kalau soal perhubungan, mesti lah kahwin. Tapi kalau dah capai goals kahwin tu, mesti aku ada goals aku, dan dia ada goals dia sendiri. Ada goals kita boleh capai sendiri. Ada goals yang kita perlukan teammate kita untuk bantu. Tapi aku lebih prefer helping out each other. Boleh rasa ya hikmah kerjasama tu. Heheh”

“Okay. If kau kata goals kau nak kawin, kau nak kawin bila?”

“Kalau takdir kata esok aku jumpa sorang laki ni & terus kawin, aku kawin je. Tapi dalam plan aku, maybe 2-3 tahun dari sekarang? Sebab aku nak capai a few goals dulu.”

“Babe, kau baik babe. Kau sangat baik. Aku taknak kau terluka lagi.”

Thursday 31 December 2020

My 2020 in a nutshell

My 2020 in a nutshell.

I believed that everyone of us reckoned that 2020 would be the greatest year for the decade because it was a perfect year. 

Unfortunately, things didn’t go as we expected due to the pandemic that hits the entire world. 

However, i found out that 2020 was actually a year that i’d been grateful regarding on bad things that happened into my life. 


Okay. This is not actually a bad thing but I was happy when i managed to celebrate my 27th birthday with SWG’s family. And... i paid for the cake! It was my day. So i decided to treat them that could be considered as a sedekah. 

The bonding of the my girl bestfriends when Bella got married. I wasn’t kinda girl yang pakai ayu but when Bella insisted me to wear this dress, i actually liked it because it did make me look pretty & confident. Thanks bella.


It was bad when Simple tak dapat job untuk satu event ni. However, it was opportunity for me to support my friend’s art event so i took abah along to attend to the event. Never makes me feel better than seeing abah was so happy on that day. 

March - July

The month of pandemic and i received a retrenchment letter from my previous company.

I’d lost my guy bestfriend because i thought he chose his circle. 

I resigned from Simple.

I was rejected by my crush. ðŸ˜‚

I was devastated. I’d really dont know what i was going to do next. 


Time will heal. I started to look and believe everything happened for some reasons. 

When i lost my job, i tried to find if there are any opportunities to utilize my skills. I started looking for 78++ job opportunities via online & did the freelance uncredited job to survive. 

I started to cook.

I registered a marketing class.

I went for couple job interviews. 


Icon Production accepted me to be part of the team which is — my last resort. ðŸ˜‚

Betul lah. Kita hanya perlu bersabar.

Icon Production got everything i want it to.

-Self development,

-Second family,

-Great boss

-Great environment


-Career goals

So yeah. I’ve found that 2020 wasn’t that bad kalau kita sendiri letakkan perspektif kita pada sesuatu perkara tu. Hidup ni menarik kalau kita bust dia menarik. Cuma perlu bersabar.

If I would describe my 2020 in a word,

I would say... HIKMAH.